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Sledilnik GPS Powunity Bike Trax
Quick Overview
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The website only shows bicycles (not valid for 2021) that were still available or in stock at the time of the item.
Bicycles year 2021 are gradually being introduced. The availability of the 2021 bike can be seen in the description of the bike, otherwise in the options of choosing "size" in / or "color". If it appears there (we need to check with the manufacturers or suppliers), the bicycle year 2021 was not available at the time of updating the item. According to this information, the bike can be in stock in our store in Ptuj. Therefore, check the stock of bicycles in our store in Ptuj.
You can see the stock of bicycles in the store in Ptuj at the link: Bike store Ptuj
If you have any additional questions, please email. Additional information about the items, we gibe only by e-mail.
E-mail: eurobike@eurobike.si
Description | Naj bo vaše kolo varno s Powunity. Kompatibilen s sistemom pogona Brose, Shimano, Yamaha in Bosch. GPS Sledilnik PowUnity BIKE TRAX v primeru kraje poskrbi, da kolo brez težav najdete, zahvaljujoč se popolni pokritosti z omrežjem, tako v notranjih prostorih kot zunaj. GPS Sledilnik PowUnity BIKE TRAX v primeru kraje poskrbi, da kolo brez težav najdete, zahvaljujoč se popolni pokritosti z omrežjem, tako v notranjih prostorih kot zunaj. Ustvarjen za e-kolesa z motorjem Bosch, Shimano, Brose in Yamaha. VARUJE VAŠE KOLO PRED KRAJO
Manufacturer | Other |
Model year | 2021 |
Possibility to purchase | 2025 |
Availability | We receive or send on average within 3 working days, if the item is available from the manufacturer or importer |
Updated | The item has not been updated for this year |
1. Additional information for bikes:
Choosing the right frame size for bikes TREK
Choosing the right frame size for bikes AUTHOR
Choosing the right frame size for bikes SPECIALIZED
Choosing the right frame size for bikes ROMET
Choosing the right frame size for bikes GT (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Torpado (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Esperia (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes BMC (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Pinarello (in preparation)
2. Additional information on cycling shoes:
Important: You must select a cycling shoe at least 1 number larger, than you have your elegant shoe number !!!
Choice of shoe size / number Shimano (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Specialized (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Bontrager (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Sidi (in preparation)
3. Additional information on correct seat selection:
Pravilna izbira sedeža Bontrager (in preparation)
Pravilna izbira sedeža Specialized (in preparation)
4. Additional information on the correct choice of road handlebars:
The right choice of feed materials from all manufacturers (in preparation)
5. Additional information on choosing the right clothing size:
In preparation...
For additional questions, please contact us:
E-mail: eurobike@eurobike.si
Naj bo vaše kolo varno s Powunity. Kompatibilen s sistemom pogona Brose, Shimano, Yamaha in Bosch. GPS Sledilnik PowUnity BIKE TRAX v primeru kraje poskrbi, da kolo brez težav najdete, zahvaljujoč se popolni pokritosti z omrežjem, tako v notranjih prostorih kot zunaj.
GPS Sledilnik PowUnity BIKE TRAX v primeru kraje poskrbi, da kolo brez težav najdete, zahvaljujoč se popolni pokritosti z omrežjem, tako v notranjih prostorih kot zunaj. Ustvarjen za e-kolesa z motorjem Bosch, Shimano, Brose in Yamaha.
- montiran je k motorju kolesa, tako da je tatovom neviden
- sledenje preko najbolj stabilnega omrežja v Evropi, tako v notranjih prostorih kot zunaj
- takojšen "alarm" v trenutku kraje - ko se vaše kolo premakne, brez vaše vednosti, vas aplikacija preko telefona o tem takoj obvesti
- lokacijo vašega kolesa lahko preko PowUnity aplikacije spremljate iz kjerkoli
- dodatna baterija zagotovi da sledilec GPS deluje, tudi ko je baterija na e-kolesu odstranjena
- BikePass - vsebuje vse informacije o vašem kolesu, tako da vsak ve da kolo pripada vam
- posodablja GPS koordinate na vsakih 10 sekund
- možnost posredovanja poročila kraje policiji
- Route Diary avtomatsko spremlja vaše vožnje
- vaši osebni podatki so zaščiteni in varni
- produkt nagrajen z nagrado Design&Innovation Award leta 2020 v kategorji kolesarska oprema in dodatki
- Aplikacija nagrajena z German Design Award
Naročnina je prvo leto brezplačna in prične teči po aktivaciji. Nato je strošek 3,95€/mesec z možnostjo plačevanja le aktivnih mesecev (npr. kolo uporabljate od aprila do novembra). Plačuje se preko aplikacije (operater TELE2 – po celi EU + Švica, Islandija, Norveška in Lihtenštajn).
Poleg sledenja GPS v realnem času ima Bike Trax tudi senzor gibanja. V praksi to pomeni, da ko kolo parkirate, aktivirate “ključavnico” v aplikaciji in vsako gibanje ali vibriranje kolesa sproži alarm na vašem mobilnem telefonu … tako lahko popolnoma brez skrbni po zasluženem vzponu spijete pivo.
Če vam E-kolo ukradejo, se aktivira sledenje GPS v realnem času … Če tat odstrani baterijo E-kolesa je naprava opremljena z dodatno baterijo, ki omogoča do 15 ur aktivnega sledenja! GPS z baterijo je nameščen v motornem prostoru, namestitev pa je Plug & Play.
Sledilnik se skrije pod motor, tako da je neviden!
Kaj SET vsebuje:
- GPS sledilec z integrirano SIM kartico
- Dodatno zunanjo baterijo s kapaciteto 1000mAh
- Povezovalni kabel (odvisen od tipa motorja)
- Obojestranski lepilni trak in zatezne vezice za montažo
- Brezplačno aplikacijo za pametni telefon
- 1 letno brezplačno uporabo sistema
TEŽA: 50gBATERIJA: Li-Ion 3.7V, 600 mAh (do 2 tedna na polnjenje)MATERIAL: ABS in TPEDIMENZIJE: Kapica 25x5mm, Glava 23×3,5mm, Telo 18,5x120mmGEOLOKACIJA / KOMUNIKACIJA: GPS/GLONASS, 2G GSM/GPRS, Bluetooth LEDELOVNA TEMPERATURA: Operativna: -10 do 60, Shramba: -20 do 80 stopinj celzijaVMESNIK / KOMPATIBILNOST: Micro USB, Over The Air (OTA) / iOS 9.0 ali višje ter Android 5.0 in višjePoglejte si delovanje na youtube...
Description | Naj bo vaše kolo varno s Powunity. Kompatibilen s sistemom pogona Brose, Shimano, Yamaha in Bosch. GPS Sledilnik PowUnity BIKE TRAX v primeru kraje poskrbi, da kolo brez težav najdete, zahvaljujoč se popolni pokritosti z omrežjem, tako v notranjih prostorih kot zunaj. GPS Sledilnik PowUnity BIKE TRAX v primeru kraje poskrbi, da kolo brez težav najdete, zahvaljujoč se popolni pokritosti z omrežjem, tako v notranjih prostorih kot zunaj. Ustvarjen za e-kolesa z motorjem Bosch, Shimano, Brose in Yamaha. VARUJE VAŠE KOLO PRED KRAJO
Manufacturer | Other |
Model year | 2021 |
Possibility to purchase | 2025 |
Availability | We receive or send on average within 3 working days, if the item is available from the manufacturer or importer |
Updated | The item has not been updated for this year |
1. Additional information for bikes:
Choosing the right frame size for bikes TREK
Choosing the right frame size for bikes AUTHOR
Choosing the right frame size for bikes SPECIALIZED
Choosing the right frame size for bikes ROMET
Choosing the right frame size for bikes GT (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Torpado (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Esperia (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes BMC (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Pinarello (in preparation)
2. Additional information on cycling shoes:
Important: You must select a cycling shoe at least 1 number larger, than you have your elegant shoe number !!!
Choice of shoe size / number Shimano (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Specialized (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Bontrager (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Sidi (in preparation)
3. Additional information on correct seat selection:
Pravilna izbira sedeža Bontrager (in preparation)
Pravilna izbira sedeža Specialized (in preparation)
4. Additional information on the correct choice of road handlebars:
The right choice of feed materials from all manufacturers (in preparation)
5. Additional information on choosing the right clothing size:
In preparation...
For additional questions, please contact us:
E-mail: eurobike@eurobike.si