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Xenofit napitek Immun Drink
Quick Overview
At purchase: bicycles, shoes, helmets, clothing, seats and handlebars; help yourself by clicking on the tab below: BUYING HELP
The website only shows bicycles (not valid for 2021) that were still available or in stock at the time of the item.
Bicycles year 2021 are gradually being introduced. The availability of the 2021 bike can be seen in the description of the bike, otherwise in the options of choosing "size" in / or "color". If it appears there (we need to check with the manufacturers or suppliers), the bicycle year 2021 was not available at the time of updating the item. According to this information, the bike can be in stock in our store in Ptuj. Therefore, check the stock of bicycles in our store in Ptuj.
You can see the stock of bicycles in the store in Ptuj at the link: Bike store Ptuj
If you have any additional questions, please email. Additional information about the items, we gibe only by e-mail.
E-mail: eurobike@eurobike.si
Description | Poleg dragocenih elementov v sledovih cinka in selena, imunski napitek Xenofit® vsebuje vitamine C in D. Izbor teh vitalnih snovi je smiseln, saj vsako posamezno mikrohranilo pomembno prispeva k zdravemu imunskemu sistemu. Vitamin D je pomemben tudi za zdravo delovanje mišic. Vitamin C je potreben za presnovo energije in pomaga zmanjšati utrujenost in izčrpanost. Imunski napitek Xenofit® je zato idealen za vse aktivne športnike, ki želijo posebej podpreti svoj imunski sistem. Lastnosti:
Vsebuje: Sladkor, vitamin C, citronska kislina, pesa v prahu *, cinkov glukonat, natrijev selenat, vitamin D, sladilo (ciklamat, saharin), aroma pomaranče, aroma (pomaranča), aroma (mandarina, vsebuje laktozo), barva ß- karoten.* barvanje hrane Prehranska dopolnila ne morejo nadomestiti raznolike, uravnotežene prehrane in zdravega načina življenja. Ne prekoračite navedene količine porabe. Hranite izven dosega majhnih otrok in shranjujte pri temperaturi do 25 ° C. Lahko ima odvajalni učinek, če ga zaužijemo preveč. |
Manufacturer | Xenofit Austria |
Model year | 2021 |
Possibility to purchase | 2025 |
Availability | Mostly in stock or on order |
Updated | The item has not been updated for this year |