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Trek FX+ 7 LT /2025
Quick Overview
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The website only shows bicycles (not valid for 2021) that were still available or in stock at the time of the item.
Bicycles year 2021 are gradually being introduced. The availability of the 2021 bike can be seen in the description of the bike, otherwise in the options of choosing "size" in / or "color". If it appears there (we need to check with the manufacturers or suppliers), the bicycle year 2021 was not available at the time of updating the item. According to this information, the bike can be in stock in our store in Ptuj. Therefore, check the stock of bicycles in our store in Ptuj.
You can see the stock of bicycles in the store in Ptuj at the link: Bike store Ptuj
If you have any additional questions, please email. Additional information about the items, we gibe only by e-mail.
E-mail: eurobike@eurobike.si
Description | 28" električno aluminijasto opremljeno kolo z trdo karbonsko vilico Trek FX+ 7 LT moško /2025 FX+ 7 je izjemno lahko, tiho in elegantno električno mestno kolo, narejeno za križarjenje po mestu po zelenih cestah in živahnih vožnjah v službo. Njegova geometrija, ki vzbuja zaupanje, in eleganten pomični okvir omogočata izjemno enostavno manevriranje, montažo in sestopanje. Poleg tega se ponaša z motorjem TQ, ki je kompakten, tih in izredno gladek za pospešek, ki je povsem naraven. Ta vožnja je pripravljena na vse z lahkimi karbonskimi vilicami, vgrajenimi sprednjimi in zadnjimi lučmi, hidravličnimi kolutnimi zavorami in jasnim, čistim prestavljanjem zahvaljujoč Shimano Cues.
Info: Za morebitne napake v specifikaciji ne odgovarjamo. Podatke preverite na spletni strani proizvajalca: www.trekbikes.com/ Navodila in nasveti: - oprema koles Načini plačila in popusti ob nakupu v trgovini na Ptuju:
V zgornji primerih prejmete na ceno artikla dodaten 20% popust.
Nakup v naši spletni trgovini: Artikel lahko kupite v spletni trgovini, če se vam pri ceni izdelka pokaže košarica (kar vam omogoča spletni nakup). V kolikor ta košarica ni prikazana, tega artikla zaradi navodil proizvajalca, ni mogoče kupiti v spletni trgovini. V primeru nakupa kolesa, kolo pred pošiljanjem pripravimo za vožnjo. Zaradi transporta morate poravnati krmilo in priviti pedale. Če gre za otroško kolo, ki ima pomožna kolesa, morate priviti tudi ta pomožna kolesa. Vedno zraven v paketu prejmete od nas pripravljena navodila, kaj in kako (samo to zgoraj navedeno) morate pred prvo vožnjo še sami naredite na kolesu, saj tega zaradi transporta ni bilo mogoče narediti. |
Lowest price last 30 days | 4499.00 |
Manufacturer | Trek USA |
Model year | 2025 |
Possibility to purchase | 2025 |
Availability | January 2025 |
Updated | November 2024 |
Advance order Ptuj | When ordering an item for you in the store in Ptuj, we take an advance. We do not refund the advance in case of order cancellation. |
1. Additional information for bikes:
Choosing the right frame size for bikes TREK
Choosing the right frame size for bikes AUTHOR
Choosing the right frame size for bikes SPECIALIZED
Choosing the right frame size for bikes ROMET
Choosing the right frame size for bikes GT (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Torpado (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Esperia (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes BMC (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Pinarello (in preparation)
2. Additional information on cycling shoes:
Important: You must select a cycling shoe at least 1 number larger, than you have your elegant shoe number !!!
Choice of shoe size / number Shimano (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Specialized (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Bontrager (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Sidi (in preparation)
3. Additional information on correct seat selection:
Pravilna izbira sedeža Bontrager (in preparation)
Pravilna izbira sedeža Specialized (in preparation)
4. Additional information on the correct choice of road handlebars:
The right choice of feed materials from all manufacturers (in preparation)
5. Additional information on choosing the right clothing size:
In preparation...
For additional questions, please contact us:
E-mail: eurobike@eurobike.si