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Bidon Camelbak Podium Dirt 0.62 litra Črna
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The website only shows bicycles (not valid for 2021) that were still available or in stock at the time of the item.
Bicycles year 2021 are gradually being introduced. The availability of the 2021 bike can be seen in the description of the bike, otherwise in the options of choosing "size" in / or "color". If it appears there (we need to check with the manufacturers or suppliers), the bicycle year 2021 was not available at the time of updating the item. According to this information, the bike can be in stock in our store in Ptuj. Therefore, check the stock of bicycles in our store in Ptuj.
You can see the stock of bicycles in the store in Ptuj at the link: Bike store Ptuj
If you have any additional questions, please email. Additional information about the items, we gibe only by e-mail.
E-mail: eurobike@eurobike.si
Description | Verjetno najboljši bidoni na svetu – »EVER«, vedno je ODPRT ter hkrati vedno ZAPRT. 100% brez BPA, BPS in BPF. Dodatno: Tehnični opis
Velikost 0,62l Velikost: 0.71 litra. |
Manufacturer | Camelbak USA |
Lowest price last 30 days | 16.90 |
Model year | 2021 |
Possibility to purchase | 2025 |
Availability | Mostly in stock or on order |
Updated | Februar 2025 |
1. Additional information for bikes:
Choosing the right frame size for bikes TREK
Choosing the right frame size for bikes AUTHOR
Choosing the right frame size for bikes SPECIALIZED
Choosing the right frame size for bikes ROMET
Choosing the right frame size for bikes GT (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Torpado (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Esperia (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes BMC (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Pinarello (in preparation)
2. Additional information on cycling shoes:
Important: You must select a cycling shoe at least 1 number larger, than you have your elegant shoe number !!!
Choice of shoe size / number Shimano (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Specialized (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Bontrager (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Sidi (in preparation)
3. Additional information on correct seat selection:
Pravilna izbira sedeža Bontrager (in preparation)
Pravilna izbira sedeža Specialized (in preparation)
4. Additional information on the correct choice of road handlebars:
The right choice of feed materials from all manufacturers (in preparation)
5. Additional information on choosing the right clothing size:
In preparation...
For additional questions, please contact us:
E-mail: eurobike@eurobike.si
Verjetno najboljši bidoni na svetu – »EVER«, vedno je ODPRT ter hkrati vedno ZAPRT. 100% brez BPA, BPS in BPF.
Ne toči, ne škropi med ‘športanjem’, ne razliva in poliva, za kar skrbi ventil Jet Valve™. Zahvaljujoč membrani v ventilu se po uporabi avtomatsko zapre/zaklene. Zelo lahki bidon, kateri med stiskanjem zagotavlja željen pretok tekočine za pitje. Proizveden, da se prilagaja vsakemu nosilcu bibona.
Dodan ima pokrovček, ki preprečuje dostop umazanije na ustnik ter s tem pitje brez dodatkov – prahu, iglic, blata… TruTaste ™ polipropilen z HydroGuard ™ tehnologijo Vam omogoča, da med pitjem okušate svojo vodo oz. napitek, ne okus vaše steklenice.
Ventil in pokrov zelo lahko čistimo, kajti celega lahko razstavimo. Prav tako ga lahko ga zaklenemo, da nam v primeru nekontroliranega stiska bidona ne toči. Ima ogromno odprtino za natakanje, dodajanje energetskih napitkov, ledu ter omogoča enostavno čiščenje.
Jet Valve™ – samozapiralni ventil omogoča zadosten pretok napitka in odpravlja nadležno točenje in kapljanje. Dodan ima zaklep, da nam pri neuporabi v primeru nekontroliranega stiska ne toči ter med mešanjem napitkov ob premočnem stisku ne polivamo vse naokoli.
Bisfenol A (kratica BPA) je organska spojina z dvema fenolno funkcionalnima skupinama, se uporablja za izdelavo polikarbonatne plastike in epoksi smole skupaj z drugimi komponentami.
Bisfenol povzroča motnje endokirnega sistema, saj posnema hormone v telesu in lahko negativno vpliva na zdravje. Posledica nezaželenih vplivov je največja na najmlajših osebah. Nadzorni organi so ugotovili “varno višino” izpostavljenosti ljudi Bisfenolu A, vendar so to izpodbijali različni strokovnjaki.
Komisija Državnega inštituta za zdravje je ugotovila,da obstajajo določena tveganja glede razvoja možganov ploda in dojenčkov.
Leta 2008 so ugotovili, da so ljudje izpostavljeni Bisfenolu A nagnjeni k debelosti.
GARANCIJA: CamelBak Lifetime Got-Your-Bak Guarantee, doživljenjska garancija. Vključuje CamelBak nahrbtnike, bidone, steklenice in dodatke za primere napak v proizvodu, materialu ali izdelavnih napak. Garancija ne vključuje poškodb zaradi normalne uporabe, izrabe ali iztrošenja izdelka zaradi uporabe.
Tehnični opis
Velikost 0,62l
Teža 80gr
Velikost: 0.71 litra.
Description | Verjetno najboljši bidoni na svetu – »EVER«, vedno je ODPRT ter hkrati vedno ZAPRT. 100% brez BPA, BPS in BPF. Dodatno: Tehnični opis
Velikost 0,62l Velikost: 0.71 litra. |
Manufacturer | Camelbak USA |
Lowest price last 30 days | 16.90 |
Model year | 2021 |
Possibility to purchase | 2025 |
Availability | Mostly in stock or on order |
Updated | Februar 2025 |
1. Additional information for bikes:
Choosing the right frame size for bikes TREK
Choosing the right frame size for bikes AUTHOR
Choosing the right frame size for bikes SPECIALIZED
Choosing the right frame size for bikes ROMET
Choosing the right frame size for bikes GT (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Torpado (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Esperia (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes BMC (in preparation)
Choosing the right frame size for bikes Pinarello (in preparation)
2. Additional information on cycling shoes:
Important: You must select a cycling shoe at least 1 number larger, than you have your elegant shoe number !!!
Choice of shoe size / number Shimano (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Specialized (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Bontrager (in preparation)
Choice of shoe size / number Sidi (in preparation)
3. Additional information on correct seat selection:
Pravilna izbira sedeža Bontrager (in preparation)
Pravilna izbira sedeža Specialized (in preparation)
4. Additional information on the correct choice of road handlebars:
The right choice of feed materials from all manufacturers (in preparation)
5. Additional information on choosing the right clothing size:
In preparation...
For additional questions, please contact us:
E-mail: eurobike@eurobike.si